Remember: IGP will always be slower. It should run, although not great. Check the CMOS settings and look for the section containing the settings for your IGP. Make sure that it's set at using 64MB if that's adjustable.
It appears your FSB speed is max 166MHz [333 DDR], so check that the stick in there is PC2700 [they may have just stuck a 2100 in there]. If it is 2700, then get another 2700. If you put a 2700 in with a 2100, it's only going to run at the speed of the slowest stick [2100 is only 266MHz] so you may want to either just stick a 512 in there, buy 1 512 and 1 256, or even buy 2 512's if they did only stick a 2100 in.
Isn't PCI-X PCI-Extended? Just wondering if I have that right. That gives it more contacts than normal PCI, correct?